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1. Thinks that making money online is going to be easy – this is probably due to the fact that there are so many ‘push button’ systems being marketed claiming that the million dollar fortune is just a few clicks away. As soon as they find out nothing happens after those few clicks, they give up.

2. Lack of basic knowledge – most people jump right into internet marketing without knowing the basics that are crucial for their future success such as how to choose a niche, how to build a list, how to choose keywords for their websites & etc.

3. Losing focus – there are many ways to make money online, but hopping from method to method without understanding how one method truly works, is not going to bring any result.

4. Not spending on the essentials – there are people who want to make money online with zero capital and zero investment. There are a lot of free tools out there but the essential ones are usually not free.

5.  No perseverance – Not giving up is the key, because one will never know how close he/she is to success. Nobody gets it right the 1st time. Trial-and-error is very common in internet marketing.

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